Payment and delivery

  1. Credit card instant online payment with one swipe
  2. 7-11 supermarket payment and pickup
  3. Virtual ATM
  1. Your order will be processed immediately after the payment is confirmed, and we will ship the goods within three working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays).
  2. Send products via delivery/7-11 supermarket pick-up method.
  3. The delivery scope is limited to all counties and cities in Taiwan (excluding post office boxes).
  4. If our store is unable to accept your order, we will notify you within three working days after receiving your order. Except as otherwise provided by law.
  1. 帳款確認後將立即處理您的訂單,我們將於三個工作日內(不含週六日及國定例假日)出貨。
  2. 國內配送方式,包括宅急便、7-11及全家超商取貨。
  3. 國內配送範圍,除台灣本島各縣市外,另涵蓋離島部分區域。(不含郵政信箱;離島配送,依實際運費加收費用,並於確認收到款項後出貨)
  4. 跨境配送方式,僅限宅配,不包括超商取貨。
  5. 跨境配送範圍,包括香港、新加坡及馬來西亞。(依實際運費加收費用,並於確認收到款項後出貨)
  6. 跨境配送關稅規則:提醒注意,依買家所在地之國家關稅法令,買家可能需依法自行向政府機關繳納進口關稅。
  7. 如本店無法接受您的訂單,將於收到您的訂單後三個工作日內通知您。但法令另有規定者除外。